Commit 5df596d1 by 黄志甲


parent 3eaf08fb
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"name": "admin",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A Vue.js project",
"author": "",
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import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld' //初始页
import Main from '@/view/Main.vue' //导航页面
import login from "@/view/login/login.vue" //登录页
import userList from "@/view/user/list.vue" //列表
export default new Router({
mode: 'hash',
//mode: 'history',
routes: [{
path: '/',
redirect: '/login'
path: '/login',
name: "login",
component: login,
}, {
path: '/',
name: 'main',
component: Main,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
children: [
/* 综合门户 */
path: '/gateway/handle',
name: "gateway-handle",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/handle/index.vue') //任务处理
path: '/gateway/map',
name: "gateway-map",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/map/index.vue') //任务地图
path: '/gateway/theDisabled/list',
name: "gateway-theDisabled-list",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/theDisabled/list.vue') //残疾人数据实时统计
path: '/gateway/theDisabled/progress',
name: "gateway-theDisabled-progress",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/theDisabled/progress.vue') //残疾人小康进程实现程度
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld' //初始页
import Main from '@/view/Main.vue' //导航页面
import login from "@/view/login/login.vue" //登录页
import userList from "@/view/user/list.vue" //列表
export default new Router({
mode: 'hash',
//mode: 'history',
routes: [{
path: '/',
redirect: '/login'
path: '/login',
name: "login",
component: login,
}, {
path: '/',
name: 'main',
component: Main,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
children: [
/* 综合门户 */
path: '/gateway/handle',
name: "gateway-handle",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/handle/index.vue') //任务处理
path: '/gateway/map',
name: "gateway-map",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/map/index.vue') //任务地图
path: '/gateway/theDisabled/list',
name: "gateway-theDisabled-list",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/theDisabled/list.vue') //残疾人数据实时统计
path: '/gateway/theDisabled/progress',
name: "gateway-theDisabled-progress",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/theDisabled/progress.vue') //残疾人小康进程实现程度
path: '/gateway/dbNum/index',
name: "gateway-dbNum",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/dbNum/index.vue') //残疾人小康进程实现程度
/* 党员扶残 */
path: '/auxiliaryDisability/information/index',
name: "auxiliaryDisability-information",
component: () => import('@/view/auxiliaryDisability/information/index.vue') //信息查询
path: '/auxiliaryDisability/tasks/taskNums',
name: "auxiliaryDisability-taskNums",
component: () => import('@/view/auxiliaryDisability/tasks/taskNums.vue') //任务指数管理
path: '/admin/administrators/subsystem',
name: "administrators-subsystem",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/subsystem.vue') //子系统管理
path: '/admin/administrators/adminList',
name: "administrators-adminList",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/adminList.vue') //用户列表
path: '/admin/administrators/roleList',
name: "administrators-roleList",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/roleList.vue') //角色管理
path: '/admin/administrators/dictionary',
name: "administrators-dictionary",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/dictionary.vue') //数据字典
path: '/admin/administrators/config',
name: "administrators-config",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/config.vue') //日志查询
path: '/admin/administrators/powerList',
name: "administrators-powerList",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/powerList.vue') //权限管理
path: '/admin/administrators/adminInfor',
name: "administrators-adminInfor",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/adminInfor.vue') //个人资料
path: '/gateway/dbNum/index',
name: "gateway-dbNum",
component: () => import('@/view/gateway/dbNum/index.vue') //残疾人小康进程实现程度
/* 党员扶残 */
path: '/auxiliaryDisability/information/index',
name: "auxiliaryDisability-information",
component: () => import('@/view/auxiliaryDisability/information/index.vue') //信息查询
path: '/auxiliaryDisability/tasks/taskNums',
name: "auxiliaryDisability-taskNums",
component: () => import('@/view/auxiliaryDisability/tasks/taskNums.vue') //任务指数管理
path: '/admin/administrators/subsystem',
name: "administrators-subsystem",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/subsystem.vue') //子系统管理
path: '/admin/administrators/adminList',
name: "administrators-adminList",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/adminList.vue') //用户列表
path: '/admin/administrators/roleList',
name: "administrators-roleList",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/roleList.vue') //角色管理
path: '/admin/administrators/dictionary',
name: "administrators-dictionary",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/dictionary.vue') //数据字典
path: '/admin/administrators/config',
name: "administrators-config",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/config.vue') //日志查询
path: '/admin/administrators/adminPwd',
name: "administrators-adminPwd",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/adminPwd.vue') //修改密码
path: '/admin/administrators/powerList',
name: "administrators-powerList",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/powerList.vue') //权限管理
path: '/admin/administrators/information/list',
name: "administrators-information-list",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/information/list.vue') //资讯管理
path: '/admin/administrators/adminInfor',
name: "administrators-adminInfor",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/adminInfor.vue') //个人资料
path: '/admin/administrators/information/directory',
name: "目录管理",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/information/directory.vue') //目录管理
path: '/admin/administrators/adminPwd',
name: "administrators-adminPwd",
component: () => import('@/view/admin/administrators/adminPwd.vue') //修改密码
path: '/welcome',
name: "欢迎页",
component: () => import('@/view/welcome.vue') //欢迎页
const menu = [
// {
// title: "综合门户",
// children: [{
// title: "任务处理",
// icon: 'ios-people',
// children: [{
// title: '任务处理',
// path: '/gateway/handle',
// action: 'member-page'
// }]
// },{
// title: "任务地图",
// icon: 'ios-people',
// children: [{
// title: '任务地图',
// path: '/gateway/map',
// action: 'member-page'
// }]
// {
// title: "综合门户",
// children: [{
// title: "任务处理",
// icon: 'ios-people',
// children: [{
// title: '任务处理',
// path: '/gateway/handle',
// action: 'member-page'
// }]
// },{
// title: "任务地图",
// icon: 'ios-people',
// children: [{
// title: '任务地图',
// path: '/gateway/map',
// action: 'member-page'
// }]
// },
// {
// title: "残疾人统计",
......@@ -40,20 +40,20 @@
// path: '/gateway/dbNum/index',
// action: 'gateway-dbNum'
// }]
// }]
// },
// }]
// },
title: "党员扶残",
children: [{
title: "信息查询",
children: [{
title: "信息查询",
icon: 'ios-people',
children: [{
title: '信息查询',
path: '/auxiliaryDisability/information/index',
action: 'auxiliaryDisability-information-index'
children: [{
title: '信息查询',
path: '/auxiliaryDisability/information/index',
action: 'auxiliaryDisability-information-index'
title: "事前把关",
......@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@
action: 'auxiliaryDisability-tasks-taskNums'
title: "系统管理",
children: [{
title: "系统管理",
icon: 'ios-people',
children: [{
title: '子系统管理',
path: '/admin/administrators/subsystem',
action: 'admin-administrators-subsystem'
children: [{
title: "系统管理",
icon: 'md-settings',
children: [{
title: '子系统管理',
path: '/admin/administrators/subsystem',
action: 'admin-administrators-subsystem'
title: '用户管理',
......@@ -113,10 +113,26 @@
title: '修改密码',
path: '/admin/administrators/adminPwd',
action: 'admin-administrators-adminInfor'
title: '资讯管理',
path: '/admin/administrators/information',
action: 'admin-administrators-adminInfor',
title: '资讯信息',
path: '/admin/administrators/information/list',
action: 'admin-administrators-adminInfor',
title: '资讯目录',
path: '/admin/administrators/information/directory',
action: 'admin-administrators-adminInfor',
export default menu
import Vuex from "vuex"
import Vue from "vue"
import power from "./modules/power.js"
export default new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
\ No newline at end of file
/* 权限 */
export default {
state: {
actions: {
getters: {
mutations: {
namespaced: true
<Row type="flex" justify="center">
<Col :xs="24" :md="24">
<p slot="title">
<span class="font-20">目录管理</span>
<div class="formTopClass">
<Form :model="searchForm" :label-width="80" inline>
<FormItem label="用户名" class="ivuFormItem">
<Input v-model="" placeholder="请输入用户名" class="newInput"></Input>
<FormItem label="操作类型" class="ivuFormItem">
<Input v-model="" placeholder="请输入操作类型" class="newInput"></Input>
<FormItem class="ivuFormItem">
<Button type="primary">
<Icon type="md-search" />
<Table border :columns="subsystemList" :data="data5"></Table>
<Page :total="" :page-size="pageInfo.size" :current="" show-total
show-elevator style="margin-top: 20px;" />
export default {
data() {
return {
pageInfo: {
total: 100,
size: 10,
page: 1
subsystemList: [{
title: '编号',
key: 'date',
type: 'index',
sortable: true
title: '用户',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '浏览器',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '操作类型',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: 'IP',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '来源',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '访问地址',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '创建时间',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
<Row type="flex" justify="center">
<Col :xs="24" :md="24">
<p slot="title">
<span class="font-20">资讯管理</span>
<div class="formTopClass">
<Form :model="searchForm" :label-width="80" inline>
<FormItem label="用户名" class="ivuFormItem">
<Input v-model="" placeholder="请输入用户名" class="newInput"></Input>
<FormItem label="操作类型" class="ivuFormItem">
<Input v-model="" placeholder="请输入操作类型" class="newInput"></Input>
<FormItem class="ivuFormItem">
<Button type="primary">
<Icon type="md-search" />
<Table border :columns="subsystemList" :data="data5"></Table>
<Page :total="" :page-size="pageInfo.size" :current="" show-total
show-elevator style="margin-top: 20px;" />
export default {
data() {
return {
pageInfo: {
total: 100,
size: 10,
page: 1
subsystemList: [{
title: '编号',
key: 'date',
type: 'index',
sortable: true
title: '用户',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '浏览器',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '操作类型',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: 'IP',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '来源',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '访问地址',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
title: '创建时间',
key: 'name',
sortable: true
<div class="know-flex konw-center know-align-center">
<span class="font-30">欢迎使用管理后台</span>
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